Registration is now open for 2025-2026

Attendance Information

Good attendance is of prime importance for the educational development of every student. If a student is absent from school for any reason, please contact the school office. When absences occur, all work will be returned in a timely manner depending on number of days absent and reason for absence.

  • It is expected that all students will be present unless sickness prevents them from attending.
  • Vacations should not be scheduled for school days unless consulting with the teacher and Academy Director at least two weeks prior. (Please notify teachers two weeks in advance if work with be requested prior to vacation.)
  • Students MAY be required to complete makeup work during recess times due to loss of instructional time. Please call the school office at 281-353-5448, Ext. 116, to report extended absences.
  • Five or more tardies will make a student ineligible to receive a perfect attendance award.
  • K-5th grade students will be considered tardy after 8:01 a.m.
  • Pre-K students will be considered tardy after 8:46 a.m.
  • Students in 6th-9th grade students will be tardy after 7:46 a.m.

Unexcused Tardies 6th - 10th

  • Students are expected to be seated and ready to work the moment each class is scheduled to begin otherwise a tardy will be issued. After 15 minutes of missed class, the tardy will be considered an absence.

Please Note: Three tardies per class will be equivalent to one absence in that class, which will be considered when determining course credit for upper school students.

Unexcused Tardies per Quarter 6th - 10th

  • 1 to 5 – Warning (at 3rd tardy parent will be notified)
  • 6 to 10 – Morning detention starting at 7:15 a.m. *If late to morning detention, a lunch detention will be added, in addition to the 7:15 a.m. detention.
  • More than 10 tardies – 2 morning detentions will be assigned
  • If a student misses a morning detention and it is unexcused, another morning detention will be added.

Please remember that late arrivals can be disruptive to other students as well as your child. Maintaining a routine is important for each child’s ability to learn

For any attendance questions please email Julie Haney at