
All applications are made electronically through this website. (New Student Application)

Enrollment Eligibility

The Spring Baptist Academy shall be for the instruction of children from Spring Baptist Church and the surrounding communities.

The following are the ages that each child must be by September 1 to enroll in the respective grades, unless testing determines otherwise for the benefit of the student:

Pre-K 4 years old
Kindergarten 5 years old
1st grade 6 years old
2nd grade 7 years old 


Step One: Complete New Student online Application, $50 charge paid online, include Birth Certificate, Immunization Record and Vision and Hearing results.  An Email must also be given for Teacher Recommendation for 1st - 11th grade.

Step Two: Take Assessment - An Assessment will be set up after all records and teacher recommendation is recieved

Step Three:  Set up Parent Portal account & Complete Enrollment Packet.  When assessment is complete and student is confirmed in their grade the link to set up the parent portal account.  After a Parent portal login is set up, the online Enrollment Packet must be completed.  In this packet the tuition payment plan will be set up.

Step Four:  Set up and attend the Registration Meeting.  

Things to bring to Registration Meeting:

  • Copy of Birth Certificate (Pre-K and New Students only)
  • Copy of current immunizations (Pre-K, Kinder, and New Students only)
  • Statement of Health (Print and have signed by physician)
  • Payment of registration fees
  • Banking information to sign up for FACTS account
  • Required for new students 1st-11th.  You as a parent will need to provide an email on the application for the Teacher recommendation form.

You may also contact the school office at 281-353-5448 x116 or Email scotten@springbaptistacademy.org